VBS: La Parfaite Harmonie – Growing in Christ

La Parfaite Harmonie is one of the largest growing housing schemes in our nation, comprising not just one but actually five community areas, namely La Parfaite Harmonie, Westminister, Plantation Lust en Rust, Recht-door-zee, and Onderneeming. The entire housing scheme comprises ten housing areas and well over eight thousand house lots.

Sixteen years ago, the Parfaite Harmonie outstation was initiated by the International School of Ministry (ISOM) class of 2006 – a diploma and degree biblical programme facilitated by First Assembly of God Wortmanville. This outstation is one of the fastest growing fellowships, with membership averaging one hundred and fifty and a thriving Youth and Sunday School department. Led by Reverend Dr Marcel Hutson, the outstation has always positioned itself to serve the members of the community, both in spiritual and practical ways.

Reverend Dr Marcel Hutson

That being said, the Vacation Bible School (VBS) has always been an integral part of the service as a fellowship. Parents and children alike usually look forward with anticipation to this annual event. To the dismay of many for the past two years, we were unable to have in-person VBS due to the COVID -19 pandemic; however, the leadership of First Assembly adapted excellently and took VBS to the virtual platform. Fortunately, in the year 2022, we’re back!

Vacation Bible School 2022 was held from July 25-29, under the theme “Jesus: The Lion and the Lamb”, with an average of fifty children in attendance, ranging between the ages of 1 to 17. The purpose behind the theme was to depict the qualities of our Lord associated with those animals while encouraging children to identify which qualities they may possess. There were lessons on leadership, friendship, peace, sacrifice, and cleverness. The children also participated in class activities such as games, word search, puzzles, question and answer segments, art and colouring, and of course, the much-appreciated snacks.

The facilitators and dynamic team for VBS 2022 consisted of Assistant Pastor Dellon Thompson, Minister Kitta Cave, Sisters Juanita Austin, Melissa Nurse, Roxanne Hing, Shineika Cort, Liza Ryce, Shonequa Corbin, Rachel Fraser, Denise Fraser, Carol Dennison and Vena Morgan. This group of amazing individuals gave their time to either teach, share snacks and beverages, facilitate class activities and ensure that the sanctuary was cleaned and sanitised for each day. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who generously provided snacks for this year’s VBS, we were blessed with contributions from both members and non-members of the fellowship alike. 

In this new era we are living in, it is quite easy to lose our youth through the issues of life, however, programmes like Vacation Bible School and Sunday School, help introduce Jesus Christ and salvation in a holistic way. During the weeklong event, seven students gave their lives to Jesus, and we give God all the glory for what He is doing in the live of our children.

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